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栏目:符咒 作者:符咒法事网 时间:2022-10-26 11:52:55
济南国际摄影双年展第三届高校邀请展 “微芒成阳 ”亚太地区高校摄影邀请展 —西安美术学院 艺术总监:曾毅 总策展:张辉、黄荣华(土耳其)、柳银珪(韩国) 学术主持:姚璐 联合策展人:邓岩 西安美术学院 西安美术学院 西安美术学院是中国八大美术学院之一,经过五十多年的建设,目前已成为学科门类全、师资力量雄厚,集教学、科研、创作为一体的西北高等美术教育中心,也是西北地区唯一的高等美术学院神咒。学院为适应时代的需要,发挥美术学院的优势,1988年申报摄影专业,于1995年在版画系设立了摄影专业开始招收


“微芒成阳 ”亚太地区高校摄影邀请展










Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts

Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts is one of the eight major art academies in China. After more than 50 years of construction, it has now become a Northwest Higher Art Education Center with a wide range of disciplines and strong teachers, integrating teaching, scientific research and creation. It is also the only one in Northwest China. High School of Fine Arts. In order to meet the needs of the times and give full play to the advantages of the Academy of Fine Arts, the college applied for photography in 1988. In 1995, it established a photography major in the Department of Printmaking and began to recruit and train junior college students. In 1999, it began to recruit undergraduate students. Since 2002, it has recruited postgraduate students. In 2009, the three majors of the Department of Printmaking and Photography, the Department of Film and Television Photography and the Department of Design and Animation were merged into the Department of Film and Television Animation. There are more than 200 students in the photography major. It is a national first-class major and a special major in Shaanxi Province. It is one of the earliest photography majors established by the domestic academy of fine arts. The photography major now has 2 visiting professors, 4 associate professors, and 2 department-appointed professors. It is a teaching unit with different educational levels of master's and bachelor's degrees. It has an art photography media studio, an experimental image studio, and a traditional silver salt darkroom experiment. studio, digital photography lab, photographic shooting lab. The photography major focuses on cultivating students' ability of independent thinking and creation, and constantly stimulates students' spirit of experimentation and exploration in new technologies and new concepts, aiming to create works with more contemporary vision and humanistic care. Relying on the academic atmosphere and background of the Academy of Fine Arts, the photography major promotes the artistry and ideology of the works, emphasizes the attention and thinking of the works on contemporary and current life, and the experiment and exploration of the art itself. Many well-known experts and scholars at home and abroad have been invited to give lectures, lectures, and workshops, and actively organized and planned a series of important exhibitions and academic exchange activities, which effectively enhanced the academic status and influence of photography in China.

董钧 Dong Jun

艺术家、策展人,西安美术学院影视动画系摄影专业主任神咒。1839 摄影奖发起人。他的研究方向涉及影像创作、电影制作、展览策划与艺术教育等领域。他关注全球化语境下的社会公共议题与在地化个人思考,作品呈现出对丰富而多变世界的人性关怀与探讨,试图去触摸及分享最为敏感和细腻的社会肌理与时代境遇。


从历史上第一部 电影《火车进站》伊始,火车就作为人类划时代的交通工具,更象征了电影技术发展的起源神咒。2021年,我为新片踩点和勘景,乘坐了中国历史上第一条电气化铁路宝成铁路的出陕入川段6063次列车 ,一路经过108个隧道,38个车站,24所学校,这班列车仿佛一个异类,像是被嵌刻在了历史的褶皱里,64年从未涨价,秦岭深处的人们的出行年复一年的沿着这条线路。而随着兰渝线和后来的西成高铁修通之后,6063次列车逐渐没落。一个男人伏桌而睡,忽而翠绿,忽而漆黑,绿色的车身在秦巴山间的褶皱里穿梭,过去犹如光影,交映在现实与未来之间。我的脑海中浮现出白居易《朝归书寄元八》中的关于秦岭的诗句,“独眠仍独坐,开衿当风前。”

《 Alone To Wind》

From the beginning of the first film in history, "A Train in a Station", the train has been used as an epoch-making means of transportation for mankind, and it also symbolizes the origin of the development of film technology. In 2021, I stepped on and surveyed the scene for the new film, and took the 6063 trains of the Baocheng Railway, the first electrified railway in Chinese history, from Shaanxi to Sichuan, passing through 108 tunnels, 38 stations, and 24 schools. It seems to be an anomaly, embedded in the folds of history. The price has never increased in 64 years. People in the depths of the Qinling Mountains travel along this route year after year. With the completion of the Lanyu line and the later Xicheng high-speed rail, the 6063 trains gradually declined. A man fell asleep on the table, suddenly emerald green, then dark, the green body shuttled in the folds of the Qinba Mountains, the past was like light and shadow, reflecting between the reality and the future. The poem about Qinling wrote by Bai Juyi appeared in my mind.

苏晟 Su Sheng




《The Original Scene》

The reference to the term "contextual" in Mr. WuHong's book, “A monument in ancient Chinese art and architecture" caught my attention. Although it is a misreading, it also makes me interested in some specific fields. In my travels around the world, some images and symbols will bring about an interesting connection between history and reality in certain circumstances. This connection may be based on the metaphorical characteristics of the mixture of objects in the scene and the current reality, or it may be just something I imagined.

马晓亚 Ma Xiaoya



《 Garden of Nowhere》

The subject of "Garden of Nowhere" is a dress-up selfie studio, and the filming content includes the women who play dress-up selfie games in this venue and the set space constructed for women in this venue. Here, we turn our attention to subcultures and cultures of other countries, and build a very special and ornamental setting. Women taking selfies in front of such a set sometimes not only confirm their self-image, but also imply unsatisfied material and spiritual expectations in reality. With the help of the set and clothing, they quickly completed a self-directed and self-acted performance in this environment. Image construction and enhancement. The new time-space relationship and beautiful illusion built in this cramped space bring women a wonderful physical and mental experience.

王子琪 Wang Ziqi

1999 年出生于江苏徐州, 就读于西安美术学院影视动画 系摄影专业,于2021年进入实验影像工作室神咒。作品《Expecto Partonum》在2022届“时空无痕 无界西美”西安美术学院本科毕业季展览中获得一等奖并留校收藏。作品《Expecto Partonum》入围第四届1839摄影奖。


“Expecto Patronum”本是哈利波特系列中的一则咒语,在电影中只有拥有爱的能力的人,当遇到危险时,才可以使用咒语呼唤出自己的守护神保护自己神咒。苦闷于毕业设计该如何继续进行下去时,在与母亲闲聊之中,当我仅仅向母亲谈及其实我的平板壳后一直刻有她和我父亲的生日并且中间夹杂了一个“守护神咒”,母亲很自然直接的说到“我和你爸爸就是你的守护神。”


如同我想表达的那样,家庭是我的守护神,是我遇到困难摧折时最大的底气神咒。当我回看过往,回看记忆,回看那些病痛,回看我的成长,我一次次被过去的照片所打动。正如罗兰巴特在《明室》所写摄影的意义在于“此 曾 在”般直击心灵,摄影所记录的不止当下,在按下快门的那一刻便注定图像的永恒会与未来相交织,过去的存在被印上时间的烙印。每一张家庭影像背后的拍摄者都是最优秀的摄影师因为他们拥有将爱的情感量化在图像之中的能力,这种爱的情感是无法具象化的,却总能直击心灵最打动人。我希望通过摄影可以温柔的触碰那段记忆,触碰我的成长,触碰我身边所有的爱,让温柔的爱意在当下,在我的作品中重新,发光,再次温暖我。

《 Expecto Partonum》

"Expecto Patronum" was originally a spell in the Harry Potter series. In the movie, only those with the ability to love can use the spell to call out their patron saint to protect themselves when they are in danger. When I was distressed about how to proceed with the graduation project, it was in my mother's small talk. When I only talked to my mother about the fact that my tablet shell has always been engraved with her and my father's birthdays, and there is a "patron angel" in the middle, Mother said naturally and directly, "I and your father are your patron saints."

Dad wrote in the poem, "May you cry in a low voice, but don't stay up all night."

As I want to express, family is my patron saint and my greatest strength when faced with difficulties. When I look back at the past, look back at the memories, look back at the pain, look back at my growth, I am moved by the photos of the past time and time again. Just as Roland Barthes wrote in "Bright Room", the meaning of photography is to directly hit the soul like "this was there". Photography records more than the present. The moment the shutter is pressed, the eternity of the image is destined to be intertwined with the future. Existence is imprinted with time. The photographers behind each family image are the best photographers because they have the ability to quantify the emotion of love in the image. This emotion of love cannot be visualized, but it always strikes the heart and touches people the most. . I hope that through photography, I can gently touch that memory, touch my growth, touch all the love around me, and let the gentle love re-emerge in my works, and warm me again.

施阳 Shi Yang

施阳,1998 年出生于福建三明,本科就读西安美术学院影视动画系摄影专业,2022 年免试攻读西安美术学院影视动画系摄影艺术研究生神咒。1839摄影奖项目助理。其创作以摄影为主,关注于社会、性别、身体的权力关系等议题。



《Die Before Dawn》

My creating content is thinking about "social rules". Inspired by Camus' novel The Outsider, the novel runs through two words - rules. The protagonist finally faces death because his actions and behavior contradict the seemingly rationalized mandatory rules of contemporary society. So I started thinking about the various rules of this society, and the existence of these rules is good or bad for people of different ideas.













主办单位: 中国济南国际摄影双年展组委会

指导单位:中国摄影家协会教育委员会、 中国高等教育学会摄影专业委员会

承办单位:西安理工大学艺术与设计学院 、山东工艺美术学院

媒体支持: 《中国摄影家》杂志、中国摄影网


总策展:张辉、黄荣华 (土耳其 )、柳银珪(韩国)



Agatha Bunanta (印度尼西亚 )、Ampannee Satoh(泰国)、Ang Song Nian(新加坡)、敖国兴、白晓丹、戴菲、邓岩、董钧、Eiffel Chong(马来西亚)、Erzan Adam(新加坡)、胡晓阳、吉川直哉(日本)、贾方、矫健、Lachlan Gardiner(澳大利亚)、Laleper Aytek(土耳其)、李小舟、林简娇、刘阳、Nadia Oh Sueh Peng(新加坡)、Oh Soon-Hwa(韩国)、Salleh Japar(新加坡)、沈洁、史民峰、Tan Tay Guan (马来西亚)、Ugrid Jomyin(泰国)、王培蓓、王帅、杨赫、姚璐、张朴、张省会、中里和人(日本)












