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1. At a slower rate…

师父微信:  sanqingge8

宿业, 镇宅, 化煞, 度亡, 禳灾, 超度, 超渡, 土地爷, 谢神, 酬神, 贵人, 扶持, 求财, 神位, 神像, 开光, 接龟, 凶煞, 恶煞, 聪明开智, 小人口舌, 赐福吉祥, 生意求财, 添寿, 延寿, 城隍, 化官非, 堕胎超度, 化解童子, 送替身, 祛病, 百解, 放生, 求子, 送子, 化太岁, 请太岁, 谢太岁, 姻缘和合, 斩桃花, 召桃花, 夜啼, 安魂, 开业利市, 祈雨, 净坛, 奠基破土, 补财库, 开财库, 太上老君, 真武荡魔, 观音祈愿, 净宅, 月老, 召神召将, 转运开运, 忏悔疏文, 圆明斗姥, 王灵官, 赵公明, 九天应元, 九天玄母, 和合仙师, 合婚, 噩梦消除, 装藏, 安龟君, 仙家, 文昌疏文, 玉皇疏文, 三官疏文, 关煞, 解厄, 送钱疏文, 升学功名, 求职疏文, 礼斗,财神, 五路, 救苦, 太乙, 驱邪, 天师, 祈福,.jpg


师父微信:   sanqingge8

2. It reflects the great differences that exist between…

3. These figures were overwhelmingly greater than the corresponding figure of…

4. It can be seen from the chart that significantly…~er…than…

5. In all locations, A out numbered B…

6. These two pie charts show the differences between two groups of…

7. The first point to note is the huge increase (in the number of)…

8. A is more than ***times(bigger) than B

9. The biggest loss was to A,which decreased from***to ***of the whole.

10. The biggest gains(in graduate numbers) were made by A which,as a group,have increased by over **%

11. To sum up,…


12. This bar chart displays the numbers of…

13. The chart reflects several trends.

14. But……We see a different trend emerging.

15. When we compare…,we see…

16. This suggests increased educational opportunities for women in higher education.

17. According to the graph,…

18. The proportion of…

19. There was a slight recovery…

20. ……has dropped dramatically

21. The general trend appears to be increases.

22. There were approximately…

23. …had jumped four fold to**

24. …rose sharply from** to **

25. Remained constant at **

26. The overall trend for…

27. The graph shows the percentage of…

28. We can see that…swell during the …hours,peaking at**am.

29. Although the raw data does not provide an explanation for these trends,

30. When coupled with the grahpic information, leads to some possible conclusions.


